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Showing 1-49 of 49 items.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson & Masterclass – Neil DeGrasse Tyson / Teaches Scientific Thinking And Communication

Masterclass – Neil deGrasse Tyson Teaches Scientific Thinking and CommunicationNeil deGrasse Tyson was just nine years old when he became fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos. Today he’s known worldwide for inspiring others to consider...

Frank Kern & Stefan Georgi – The Ads Madness Masterclass

Frank Kern – Stefan Georgi – The Ads Madness MasterclassHey, it’s Frank Kern and Stefan Georgi here.Inside this letter, you’re going to find an exclusive invitation to join us for a LIVE 3-Day Masterclass.It’s something we’ve...

O'Reilly Media – Learning Spark - Lightning-Fast Data Analytics (LearningSpark2.0)

O'Reilly Media – Learning Spark - Lightning-Fast Data Analytics (LearningSpark2.0) Data is bigger, arrives faster, and comes in various formats—and it all needs to be processed at scale for analytics or machine learning. But how can...

The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future by Gregg Braden, Hay House

The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future by Gregg Braden, Hay House In this dense, tangent-filled book, bestselling author Braden (The Isaiah Effect) argues that every human being has the name...

Packt – Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading Bots with Python

Packt – Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading Bots with Python Have you ever wondered how the Stock Market, Forex, Cryptocurrency and Online Trading works? Have you ever wanted to become a rich trader having your computers...

Urban Jaekle & Emilio Tomasini – Trading Systems 2nd Edition

Urban Jaekle & Emilio Tomasini – Trading Systems 2nd Edition Completely revised and updated second edition, with new AmiBroker codes and new complete portfolio tests Every day, there are traders who make a fortune. It may...

Jake VanderPlas – Python Data Science Handbook (Essential Tools for Working with Data)

Jake VanderPlas – Python Data Science Handbook (Essential Tools for Working with Data) For many researchers, Python is a first-class tool mainly because of its libraries for storing, manipulating, and gaining insight from data. Several resources...

Ariel Rubinstein – Economics Language

Ariel Rubinstein - Economics & Language Arising out of the author's lifetime fascination with the links between the formal language of mathematical models and natural language, this short book comprises five essays investigating both the economics...

Trading707 – Learn Algorithmic Trading in One Day

Trading707 – Learn Algorithmic Trading in One Day Hi there, we are Sami Sebai and Sajid Lhessani. Both of us are working as a data scientist for various banks here in London, and we have both...

Chris Martenson – The Crash Course

Chris Martenson – The Crash CourseThe next twenty years will be completely unlike the last twenty years.The world is in an economic crisis, and there are no easy fixes to our predicament. Unsustainable trends in the...

Milton Abramowitz & Irene A. Stegun – Handbook Of Mathematical Functions With Formulas, Graphs And Mathematical Tables

Milton Abramowitz & Irene A. Stegun – Handbook Of Mathematical Functions With Formulas, Graphs And Mathematical Tables Despite the increasing use of computers, the basic need for mathematical tables continues. Tables serve a vital role in...

Nino Boccara – Modeling Complex Systems

Nino Boccara – Modeling Complex SystemsReviewFrom the reviews of the second edition:“Boccara’s approach is firmly based on dynamical systems theory, differential equations, and maps, with a very solid mathematical treatment, cast at times in terms of...

Oz Shy – How to Price

Oz Shy – How to PriceA Guide to Pricing Techniques and Yield Management.Over the past four decades, business and academic economists, operations researchers, marketing scientists, and consulting firms have increased their interest and research on pricing...

Peter J. Huber – Robust Statistics

Peter J. Huber – Robust StatisticsFrom the PublisherThe first systematic, book-length treatment of the subject. Begins with a general introduction and the formal mathematical background behind qualitative and quantitative robustness. Stresses concepts. Provides selected numerical algorithms...

Julius S .Bendat – Ramdom Data

Julius S. Bendat – Ramdom DataFrom the Back CoverA timely update of the classic book on the theory and application of random data analysis First published in 1971, Random Data served as an authoritative book on the analysis...

Andrew Lock – Retention Secrets

Andrew Lock - Retention Secrets“You Worked Hard for Your Customers.Finally, there’s an Easy, Step-by-Step System to Keep Them!”Introducing: Retention Secrets, The Ultimate Course in Customer Retention. Works For ALL Businesses: Online, Offline, SAAS, Membership, Subscription, etc.Ready...

Colin Campbell & Tomas Campbell – The China Study

Colin Campbell & Tomas Campbell - The China StudyEven today, as trendy diets and a weight-loss frenzy, sweep the nation, two-thirds of adults are still obese and children are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, typically...

F.K.Crundwell – Finance For Engineers

F K Crundwell - Finance for EngineersWith flair and originality of approach, Crundwell brings his considerable experience to bear on this crucial topic. Uniquely, this book discusses the technical and financial aspects of decision-making in engineering...

Jeremy Bernstein – Physicists On Wall Street

Jeremy Bernstein - Physicists on Wall StreetOver the years, Jeremy Bernstein has been in contact with many of the world’s most renowned physicists and other scientists, many of whom were involved in politics, literature, and language....

Matilda Ghyka – The Geometry Of Art & Life

Matilda Ghyka - The Geometry of Art Life Is everything chaos and chance, or is there order, harmony, and proportion in human life, nature, and the finest art? Can one find a natural aesthetic that corresponds...

Harsh Agrawal – Shout University 2.0

Harsh Agrawal – Shout University 2.0 Now you can start - or grow - your blog with step by step systems that I've tried and tested over the past 12 years... ...because I boiled it into...

Candida Ferreira – Gene Expression Programming (2nd Ed.)

Candida Ferreira - Gene Expression Programming (2nd Ed.) This book describes the basic ideas of gene expression programming (GEP) and numerous modifications to this powerful new algorithm. It provides all the implementation details of GEP so...

Günter Effenberg – Selected Systems from Al-B-C to B-Hf-W

Selected Systems from Al-B-C to B-Hf-W (Landolt-B rnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series (11E1)) 2009th Edition The sub-series Ternary Alloy Systems of the Landolt-B rnstein New Series provides reliable and comprehensive...

J.Thomas Wren – Investing Leadership

J.Thomas Wren - Investing LeadershipThe tension between ruler and ruled in democratic societies has never been satisfactorily resolved, and the competing interpretations of this relationship lie at the bottom of much modern political discourse. The author...

Peter G.Zhang – Peter G.Zhang - Exotic Options

Peter G.Zhang - Exotic OptionsThis is a systematic classification and treatment of essentially all exotic options currently trading at the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market. It aims to be an industry standard book on this subject. It contains...

Zain Agha – News FX Strategy

Zain Agha - News FX Strategy No more huge losses. NEWS FX STRATEGY will make sure you make great profits whenever there is a News or Data Release. No more losses. Great profits almost Daily. Any...

Steven Kotler – Habit Of Ferocity Quest

Steven Kotler – Habit Of Ferocity Quest ABOUT HABIT OF FEROCITY In recent years, there have been dozens of studies about the qualities that make for a brilliant entrepreneur. While the terminology tends to vary from...

Adam Smith – The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith - The Wealth of NationsThe publication of The Wealth of Nations in 1776 coincided with America’s Declaration of Independence, and with this landmark treatise on political economy, Adam Smith paved the way for modern...

Hans Hannula – In Search of the Cause of Cycles moneytide

Hans Hannula – In Search of the Cause of CyclesMy name is Al Larson. I have a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I am an educational CTA . You can label me a lot of...

Hans Hannula – Gann's Greatest Secret 180 Moneytide

Hans Hannula - Gann's Greatest Secret 180 MoneytideMy name is Al Larson. I have a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. You can label me a lot of ways-engineer, scientist, mathematician, pilot, combat veteran, career counselor,...

Earik Beann – Wave59 PowerUser Conference 2011

Earik Beann – Wave59 PowerUser Conference 2011 Earik Beann and some of Wave59’s most accomplished & prolific PowerUsers present all-new trading methods, tools & techniques designed to maximize your Wave59 trading experience. There is perhaps no...

Richard Bookstaber – A Demon Of Our Own Design

Description Inside markets, innovation, and risk Why do markets keep crashing and why are financial crises greater than ever before? As the risk manager to some of the leading firms on Wall Street–from Morgan Stanley to...

Hans Hannula – In Search Of The Cause Of Cycles

Hans Hannula - In Search of the Cause of CyclesMy name is Al Larson. I have a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I am an educational CTA. You can label me a lot of ways-engineer,...

Albert Boggess & Francis J.Narcowich – A First Course In Wavelets With Fourier Analysis

Albert Boggess, Francis J.Narcowich - A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier AnalysisA comprehensive, self-contained treatment of Fourier analysis and wavelets—now in a new editionThrough expansive coverage and easy-to-follow explanations, A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier...

William H.Press – Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.)

William H.Press - Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.)Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes Third Edition starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. Widely recognized as the...

Barry William Rosen – Indian Time Cycles and Market Forecasting (Article)

Barry William Rosen – Indian Time Cycles and Market Forecasting (Article) It is a little known fact that W. D. Gann went to India and studied Indian Sidereal Astrology. In his notebooks we find sketches of...

Mario Livio – The Golden Ratio

Throughout history, thinkers from mathematicians to theologians have pondered the mysterious relationship between numbers and the nature of reality. In this fascinating book, Mario Livio tells the tale of a number at the heart of that...

Michael Carpenter & The Risk-Wise Investor – How To Better Understand And Manage Risk

Michael Carpenter - The Risk-Wise Investor - How to Better Understand and Manage RiskUser-friendly risk management tools, tips, and techniques for a less certain world Though a very high level of investor uncertainty, anxiety, and concern...

Zain Agha – Z-Swinger System

Z-Swinger System ZEZ, Z swinger,and scalping are all different trading methods in Dr Agha's arsenal.I personally have used some of his techniques and consider them valid.I personally like the gbpjpy 4hr 100 pips daily method.I have...

Steven Shreve – Stochastic Calculus And Finance

Steven Shreve - Stochastic Calculus and Finance Developed for the professional Master's program in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon, the leading financial engineering program in the U.S. Has been tested in the classroom and revised over...

Glenn Shafer – Probability And Finance

Glenn Shafer - Probability and FinanceProvides a foundation for probability based on game theory rather than measure theory.A strong philosophical approach with practical applications.Presents in-depth coverage of classical probability theory as well as new theory.Review"Shafer...and Vovk...explain...

Richard R.Lindsey – How I Became A Quant

Richard R.Lindsey - How I Became a QuantDescriptionPraise for How I Became a Quant"Led by two top-notch quants, Richard R. Lindsey and Barry Schachter, How I Became a Quant details the quirky world of quantitative analysis...

Juan Romero – The Art Of Artificial Evolution

Juan Romero - The Art of Artificial EvolutionThis comprehensive book gives an up-to-date survey of the relevant bioinspired computing research fields - such as evolutionary computation, artificial life, swarm intelligence and ant colony algorithms - and...

Nicola Delic – Scientific Trading Machine

Nicola Delic – Scientific trading Machine "Make Money Faster, Easier And WithLess Risk Than You Ever Have With The World's First And Only Smart TradingSystem Powered By Pure Science" Let me tell you a story about...

Hans Hannula – Gann’s Greatest Secret

Gann’s Greatest Secret.A bound research report. Reveals Gann’s best kept secret which he used to make his long range forecasts. Includes the scientific paper that gave Gann a tool 20 years before most scientists knew of...

Hans Hannula – Finding Astrocycles with an Ephemeris

Hans Hannula – Finding Astrocycles with an Ephemeris Include: Hans Hannula – Finding Astrocycles with an Ephemeris (Video 669 MB) Hans Hannula – WorkSheets of Finding Astrocycles with an Ephemeris A VHS video. The easiest way...

Hans Hannula – Your Electric Life

Your Electric Life, Science for a New Age Whether you realize it or not, you are being strongly influenced by a very powerful electrical force – the earth’s electric field.This field produces currents through your body...

Chande Tushar & Stanley Kroll – The New Technical Trader

Chande Tushar & Stanley Kroll – The New Technical Trader Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (20 May 1994) Language: English ISBN-10:0471597805 ISBN-13:978-0471597803 The New Technical Trader You watch the market challenge your position with every tick....

David Jenyns – Triple Your Trading Profits Couse

DVD #1 – The Mindset