Search Courses

Showing 1,551-1,600 of 2,229 items.

Harry Boxer – Profitable Day and Swing Trading: Using Price/Volume Surges and Pattern Recognition to Catch Big Moves in the Stock Market

Harry Boxer – Profitable Day and Swing Trading: Using Price/Volume Surges and Pattern Recognition to Catch Big Moves in the Stock Market Written in easy-to-understand language, Profitable Day and Swing Trading + Website explains the trading...

Alistair Blair – Investor's Guide To Charting (2nd Ed.)

Alistair Blair - Investor's Guide to Charting (2nd Ed.)"Without question, some people have made astonishing amounts of money from studying share price charts and foretelling whether share prices would rise or fall. It is equally certain...

W.D.Gann – 45 Years In Wall Street (Italian)

W.D.Gann - 45 Years in Wall Street (Italian)Many have written requesting me to write a new book. With the desire to help others I have written "45 Years in Wall Street" giving the benefit of my...

Arleen J.Hoag – Introductory Economics (4th Ed.)

Arleen J.Hoag - Introductory Economics (4th Ed.)Synopsis:This text provides students with a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of economics. Each of 29 short "one-concept" chapters highlights one economic principle. This approach helps students learn more...

Tradingeducators – Life Index For Traders

Tradingeducators - Life Index for Traders By Joe Ross Stay on course for greater profits with the Life Index for Traders™ "I developed this product many years ago to help myself build the right kind of...

Udemy – Nutrition Masterclass Build Your Perfect Diet & Meal Plan

Udemy - Nutrition Masterclass Build Your Perfect Diet & Meal PlanWhat you'll learnUnderstand the fundamentals of healthy dieting (calories, protein, carbs, fat, vitamins & minerals)Create a diet that is perfect for your needs and lifestyleLearn when,...

George Cole – Graphs, Application To Speculation

George Cole - Graphs, Application to SpeculationOriginally self-published in 1936, George W. Cole's method centers upon informed analysis based upon the correlation of available information. His technique demonstrates in pictorial form the underlying mass-market psychology and...

Anka Metcalf – Power Income Futures Day Trading Course

Anka Metcalf – Power Income Futures Day Trading Course This intensive course is designed for any trader who wants to learn how to actively day trade Equity Index Futures, Energy and Metal Futures, Commodity Futures, and...

John B.Newbrough – Oahspe

John B.Newbrough - OahspeOahspe is more than a book. It is a way of life. Oahspe is filled with inspiration and spiritual truths. Oahspe is pronounced: O as in o'clock, AH as in father, SPE as...

Raghee Horner – Forex Trader Package 2010

Raghee Horner - Forex Trader Package 2010 This is the ULTIMATE in Forex trading education. This package comes complete with instruction on how to use Raghee's Advanced Trading Tools. These tools will allow you to put...

Clay Trader – Advanced Options Trading Strategies Explained

Clay Trader – Advanced Options Trading Strategies Explained Using Options Trading to Gain True Flexibility and Freedom Do not be intimidated. Advance options trading strategies have the reputation of being vastly complicated and complex; however, there...

Bostick – BostickFX – Forex Trading Course

Bostick – BostickFX – Forex Trading Course The Freedom to Work From Anywhere in the World Learn How To Trade Forex and Gain Freedom! Learn how to trade forex at Bostick FX with our price action...

William H.Press – Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.)

William H.Press - Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.)Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes Third Edition starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. Widely recognized as the...

Bluewavetrading – BWT Value Area Indicator

What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can...

John Carlton – Simple Writing System

John Carlton - Simple Writing SystemHere are the details:The foundation of the Simple Writing System is the same 17-point checklist I have used my entire career to write fortune-making sales messages, over and over again.Packaged neatly...

Kaplan – GRE Premier 2016: With 6 Practice Tests

Kaplan – GRE Premier 2016: With 6 Practice Tests Kaplan's GRE Premier 2016 is a comprehensive prep system that includes both book and mobile-enabled online components. Get access to in-depth strategies, test information, and practice questions...

William Lilly – Christian Astrology I, II, III (1659)

William Lilly - Christian Astrology I, II, III (1659)Originally published in 1647, Christian Astrology is a guide to horary astrology, in which astrological charts are created to answer specific questions based on place and exact time....

Michael Panzner – The New Laws Of The Stock Market

Michael Panzner - The New Laws of the Stock MarketTo survive in the jungle, you must recognize thesubtle nuances that signal danger and opportunity. That's how it is inthe stock market, too. But the market's radically...

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

Dr. Christopher Cathey & Christopher Quill – How To Optimally Trade A Rights Issue (with Excel TERP Calculation)

Dr. Christopher Cathey & Christopher Quill – How to Optimally Trade a Rights Issue (with Excel TERP Calculation) Video length: 18 Minutes Rights Issues are an extremely common way in which companies in the Equities Markets...

AbleSys – AbleTrend 7.08 RT

AbleSys Trading System - AbleTrend 7.08 RT Trading is a zero-sum game. That means that every gain by one trader is offset by an equal loss by other traders. One man's pain is another man's gain....

Andrew Menaker – Video Package (4.5 Hours Of Trading Psychology Videos)

Andrew Menaker - Video Package (4.5 hours of Trading Psychology Videos) Trading Psychology Webinar Genre: Economics and finances Dr. Andrew Menaker is a psychologist (Ph.D. in clinical psychology, masters degree in experimental research psychology with an...

Simplertrading – Bruce’s Favorite Weekly Income Plan

Simplertrading - Bruce’s Favorite Weekly Income PlanSimple strategies for consistent weekly income, even in highly volatile conditions.Discover 3 ‘Institutional Grade’ Strategies for Reliable Weekly Income Use this knowledge to crank out weekly cash flow with reliable,...

Greg N. Gregoriou – Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments

Greg N. Gregoriou – Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments A pioneering reference essential in any financial library, the Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments is the most authoritative source on alternative investments for students, researchers, and practitioners in this...

Jeffrey S.Maurer – Rich In America

Jeffrey S.Maurer - Rich in AmericaAdvance Praise for Rich In America"I highly recommend Rich in America to investors of all economic levels. While certainly no company understands the wealthy better than U.S. Trust, Jeff Maurer has...

Richard Machowicz – Interactive Course

Richard Machowicz - Interactive Course How to consistently execute your trading strategy perfectly. Once you have fully mastered the fundamentals of your strategy, you will be able to apply it with total concentration. Perfect execution will...

James Champy – Reengineering Management Mandate For New Leadership

James Champy - Reengineering Management Mandate for New LeadershipThe co-author of the monumental bestseller Reengineering the Corporation continues the reengineering revolution with another national bestseller that has already sold more than 165,000 copies in hardcoverReengineering Management is a brilliant,...

Christopher Dougherty – Introduction To Econometrics (3rd Ed.)

Christopher Dougherty - Introduction to Econometrics (3rd Ed.)Introduction to Econometrics provides students with clear and simple mathematics notation and step-by step explanations of mathematical proofs to give them a thorough understanding of the subject. Extensive exercises are...

Simplercourses – The In-N-Out Butterfly

Simplercourses - The In-N-Out ButterflyDiscover how to trade weekly options using little-known Butterfly setups that have the potential to capture elevated Theta and generate returns within a 10-day timeframe. Done correctly, you can stack the odds...

SHAKESPEARE (William) – POEMS: Written by Wil. Shake-speare. Gent.

SHAKESPEARE (William): POEMS: Written by Wil. Shake-speare. Gent. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by John Benson, dwelling in St. Dunstans Church-yard, 1640. 8vo, engraved Portrait Frontispiece by William Marshall after Droeshout,...

Michael Griffis & Lita Epstein – Trading for Dummies

Michael Griffis & Lita Epstein – Trading for Dummies Make informed trading decisions regardless of the market's condition Savvy traders can make money in both up and down markets. Trading For Dummies is for investors at...

Pristine – Greg Capra – Mastering Candlestick Charts I & II

Pristine – Greg Capra – Mastering Candlestick Charts I & II Mastering Candlestick Charts I Greg Capra ISBN: 978-1-59280-320-0 October 2007 Author Information GREG CAPRA is president and CEO of Pristine Capital Holdings, Inc., the nation’s leading...

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick...

Perer Thiel – Zero to One

Perer Thiel – Zero to One #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted...

Basecamptrading – Weekly Power Options Strategies

Basecamptrading - Weekly Power Options StrategiesThe Purpose.To Develop Profitable Traders!The Team.Drew DayPresident and Co-FounderDrew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund veteran that has been involved...

Dan Sheridan – Butterfly Class 2016 Butterflies For Monthly Income

Dan Sheridan - Butterfly Class 2016 Butterflies For Monthly Income Class Details Class Description:Butterfly options trades come in a variety of styles. Learn about the different types of Butterfly Strategies. Learn how to select the right...

Thomas N. Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts

Thomas N. Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103...

Harvey Cohn – Advanced Number Theory

Harvey Cohn – Advanced Number Theory Advanced Number Theory by Harvey Cohn is a comprehensive textbook that delves into the field of algebraic number theory. Here are some key features: Historical Approach: The book approaches number theory...

David Lerman – Exploiting Volatily. Mastering Equity And Index Options

David Lerman - Exploiting Volatily. Mastering Equity and Index OptionsRun Time: 108 minutes. Have you ever experienced options prices declining and your option strategy letting you down all of a sudden? If this sounds familiar, you might have...

Edward I.Altman – Corporate Financial Distress & Bankruptcy

Edward I.Altman - Corporate Financial Distress & BankruptcyA comprehensive look at the enormous growth and evolution of distressed debt, corporate bankruptcy, and credit risk defaultThis Third Edition of the most authoritative finance book on the topic...

Tons Brunes – The Secrets of Ancient Geometry and Its Use (Vol. I & II)

Tons Brunes – The Secrets of Ancient Geometry and Its Use (Vol. I & II) The Best Book Set from which to learn the subject of Ancient (Sacred) Geometry is the Two-volume “Scholar’s Edition” Set entitledThe...

Optionalpha – Technical Analysis SIGNALS

Optionalpha - Technical Analysis SIGNALS82 Page Stock Signal Report SIGNALS: The 20-Year Technical Analysis Backtesting Report Do you struggle with figuring out which direction a stock is going to move? Have you ever wondered if the...

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Option Strategies (Second Edition)

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Option Strategies (Second Edition) In The Bible of Options Strategies, Second Edition, legendary options trader Guy Cohen systematically presents today’s most effective strategies for trading options: how and why they...

Guy Cohen – The Bible Of Options Strategies

Guy Cohen - The Bible of Options Strategies"Guy Cohen is the master when it comes to taming the complexities of options. From buying calls and puts to iron butterflies and condors, Guy explains these strategies in...

Chris Lori – AllStarFX Pro Trader Complete FX Course

Chris Lori - AllStarFX Pro Trader Complete FX Course Since 2004, having conducted several dozen live Forex Training workshops for Forexmentor members around the world, I've had the privileage of meeting and talking to many of...

Fibonaccitrader – Fibonacci Trader & Galactic Trader

Fibonacci Trader & Galactic TraderUsing astrological signatures as a market timing tool for identifying potential major reversals in financial and commodity markets is a phenomenon that has grown rapidly in the past 15 years. Much to...

Bradley Cowan – Pentagonal Time Cycle Theory

Five-Fold Symmetry of Stock Market Cycles W.D. Gann stated that time was the most important factor for traders. Knowing when to expect a trend reversal adds a powerful tool to the traders arsenal. In this book...

David Vallieres – Daily Market Review 2009-2012 (Video 16 GB)

David Vallieres - Daily Market Review 2009-2012 (Video 16 GB)Daily Market Advantage is a daily market newsletter put out by Dave Vallieres of Dave has been in the markets for over 40 years. He has...

Adam Khoo – Forex Trading Course Level 1 (Pip Fisher)

Piranha Profits – Forex Trading Course Level 1 (Pip Fisher) by Adam Khoo Check out more Forex Trading Course Level 2. Tackle Volatile Forex Markets with Zero Fear and Build Your Consistent Trading Income… (No Experience...

Lars Kestner – A Comparison of Popular Trading Systems (2nd Ed.)

Lars Kestner – A Comparison of Popular Trading Systems (2nd Ed.) This book was originally written to determine which ideas and strategies of published authors were profitable. The systems found in popular books usually were not...