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"The Solution"
Showing 201-250 of 259 items.

Jack Welch – Jack Welch - Winning

Jack Welch - WinningJack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe, in multiple markets, against brutal competition. His honest, be-the-best style...

Larry Williams – Day Trade Futures Online

Larry Williams – Day Trade Futures Online Wiley Online Trading for a Living When to get in-when to get out Build, test & trade a winning system Online brokers, research & market data For those who...

Scottphillipstrading – System Building Masterclass

Scottphillipstrading - System Building Masterclass Fellow Trader, I've completely redesigned my System Building Masterclass for Version 2.0, adding 11 new systems with outstanding performance. Includes the the latest versions of all my own trading systems. Full System...

Simon Kloot – Professional Trading With Institutional Supply & Demand

Simon Kloot – Professional Trading With Institutional Supply & Demand Learn how to trade any financial market consistently and profitably. New Cryptocurrency section added for 2018. What you'll learn You will be able to identify and...

Magazine – Traders World Past Issue Articles on CD

Magazine – Traders World Past Issue Articles on CD Gann’s Proof & Cause of Market Movements The Square of Odd and Even Numbers by Daniel T. Ferrera Into the Minds of the Masters Part II by...

Prabhakar S.Naidu – Sensor Array Signal Proecessing

Prabhakar S.Naidu - Sensor Array Signal ProecessingSensor Array Signal ProcessingSensors arrays are used in diverse applications across a broad range of disciplines. Regardless of the application, however, the tools of sensor array signal processing remain the...

Deltasociety – Delta Turning Points for Advanced Get January 2007

Deltasociety – Delta Turning Points for Advanced Get January 2007 Serious traders know that we can now PREDICT every market turn, in any market, with amazing accuracy. Based on a hidden order which can be solved...

David I.Cleland – Project Management (4th Ed.)

David I.Cleland - Project Management (4th Ed.)This is the first book to truly apply the theory, processes, practices, and techniques of project management to strategic planning. New to this edition are: risk management, earned value, project...

Anna Coulling – Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis: Over 200 worked examples

Anna Coulling – Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis: Over 200 worked examples It was good enough for them What do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They used volume...

Forex Historical Data – Silver Pack 1986-2014 = 27 Years!!! Minutes (Oct 2013)

Forex Historical Data - Silver Pack 1986-2014 = 27 years!!! Minutes (Oct 2013)SILVER PACKThe Silver Pack (new version) includes historical data for the six currency pairs - AUDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, USDJPY. Coverage:Since 12/01/1986. Data ends on 10/23/2014.Data Format:ASCII...

MTPredictor – MTP RT Build 367 For NinjaTrader 7 (With Trade Module, Jan 2014)

MTPredictor - MTP RT Build 367 for NinjaTrader 7 (With Trade module) (Jan 2014) Features Dragging and resizing WPT and DP Zones DP zones across multiple time frames Dragging R/R Lines New Account settings New Currency...

Simplertrading – Simpler Options Trading Formulas

Simplertrading - Simpler Options Trading FormulasThe plan for growth in any market environment. Quiet or chaotic, you must be able to profit in both to be a consistent traderHow to profit in volatile market. You will...

Stephen W. Bigalow – Setting Entry & Exit Points (

Stephen W. Bigalow - Setting Entry & Exit Points ( The Secret to Trading.. Timing is Everything Direction is only half the Battle Timing entry and exit points continues to be one of the Top Ten...

Yuri Shamenko – Yuri Shamenko's Trading Videos

Yuri Shramenko's Trading Videos September-early December 2013 Description Tide Wave Ripple General trading philosophy Horizontal Ephemeris Specific timing techniques Planetary Geometry Advanced planetary aspect combinations Planetary Speed Ideas for researchers to practice with Planetary Stations Specific...

Ari Kiev – Mastering Trading Stress

Mastering Trading Stress - Strategies for Maximizing Performance In Mastering Trading Stress, author Ari Kiev—a psychiatrist who specializes in stress management and works extensively with traders—offers examples, transcripts of conversations, and personality profiles of real-life traders to...

Kermit Sigmon & Timothy A.Davis – MATLAB Primer (6th Ed.)

Kermit Sigmon, Timothy a.Davis - MATLAB Primer (6th Ed.)The new edition of this bestselling primer features the latest release of the powerhouse mathematics software package MATLAB, version 6.1. MATLAB recently incorporated an extensive graphical user interface...

James Chen – Essentials Of Technical Analysis For Financial Markets

Comprehensive, accessible guide to technical analysis and market trading strategiesEssentials of Technical Analysis for Financial Markets is an all-encompassing handbook on navigating the financial markets successfully using technical analysis. Clearly written, easy-to-understand, and straightforward, this guide focuses...

Jens C. – Trading Pro System (

Jens C. - Trading Pro System ( I will tell you right now... my trading system is NOT gambling!Bottom line:I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be an...

Gerard Caprio Jr. – Cross-Border Banking

Gerard Caprio Jr. Cross-Border BankingCross-border banking, while having the potential for a more efficient financial sector, also creates potential challenges for bank supervisors and regulators. It requires cooperation by regulatory authorities across jurisdictions and a clear...

Nils H.Rasmussen – Financial Business Intelligence

Nils H.Rasmussen - Financial Business IntelligenceTurn storehouses of data into a strategic tool Business intelligence has recently become a word used by almost every CFO, controller, and analyst. After having spent the last decade implementing Enterprise...

Kazuo Tanaka & Hua Wang – Fuzzy Control Systems Design And Analysis A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach

Kazuo Tanaka, Hua Wang - Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis A Linear Matrix Inequality ApproachDescriptionA comprehensive treatment of model-based fuzzy control systemsThis volume offers full coverage of the systematic framework for the stability and design...

Mladen Victor & Wickerhause – Adapted Wavelet Analysis

Mladen Victor Wickerhause - Adapted Wavelet AnalysisThis detail-oriented text is intended for engineers and applied mathematicians who must write computer programs to perform wavelet and related analysis on real data. It contains an overview of mathematical...

Bill Poulos – Gold & Silver Profit System

Bill Poulos – Gold & Silver Profit System Can Precious Metals Really Offer A Safe Method Of Protecting You From Certified Financial Apocalypse…? Okay, so no-one can deny that our world is in true financial turmoil. ...

Douglas Evanoff – Systemic Financial Crises

Systemic Financial Crises: Resolving Large Bank InsolvenciesDouglas Darrell Evanoff, George G. Kaufman World Scientific, 2005 - 461 pagesBank failures, like illness and taxes, are almost a certainty at some time in the future. What is less...

Suresh Sundaresan – Microfinance

This book takes a solid step toward a systematic analysis of the implications of microfinance for the role and regulation of capital markets. The authors address integration of capital markets with microfinance, technological innovations such as...

Philippe Jorion – Financial Risk Manager Handbook (2nd Ed.)

An essential guide to financial risk management as well as the only way to ace the GARP FRM Exam The Financial Risk Management Exam (FRM Exam) was developed by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)...

ViperTradingSystems – Mamba Auto ES

Install MambaAutoEStrialStart Ninjatrader and apply the indicator to a chartNinjatrader will complain that you do not have a valid license. Write down or copy the machine code that it gives.Close NinjatraderInstall Internet Information Server (IIS) if...

Ian J. Bateman – Suitable Resource Use & Economic Dynamics

30 years after the publication of the famous symposium issue of the Review of Economic Studies, which started the neoclassical literature on growth theory and resource economics, this volume seeks to reinforce research efforts in order...

Daniel Duffy – Financial Instruments Pricing Using C++

Daniel Duffy – Financial Instruments Pricing Using C++ISBN: 978-0-470-85509-6 432 pages June 2004One of the best languages for the development of financial engineering and instrument pricing applications is C++. This book has several features that allow...

Ruth Barros Roosevelt – Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Ruth Barros Roosevelt – Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders Product Description Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders uncovers all the habits unsuccessful traders refuse to accept. “Have you ever found yourself fully intending to do one...

Daxtrading – MB Total Indicators

MBA_TOTAL-MBA Indicators for NinjaTrader (Daxtrading)Install MBA_TOTALStart Ninjatrader and apply the indicator to a chartNinjatrader will complain that you do not have a valid license. Write down or copy the machine code that it gives.Close NinjatraderInstall Internet...

Nigel Da Costa Lewis – Operational Risk with Excel and VBA Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management

Nigel Da Costa Lewis – Operational Risk with Excel and VBA Applied Statistical Methods for Risk Management A valuable reference for understanding operational risk Operational Risk with Excel and VBA is a practical guide that only discusses...

James Bittman – Trading Options as a Professional

James Bittman – Trading Options as a Professional The options market allows savvy investors to assume risk in a way that can be very profitable, if the right techniques are used with the proper insight. In Trading...

Austin Passamonte – CM Pivot Power Trade Method

Austin Passamonte – CM Pivot Power Trade Method About the author Austin Passamonte I have followed financial markets as an active trader since 1984. Go ahead and name the highs, lows, pitfalls and strange things that...

Werner Rosenberger – Risk Adjusted Lending Conditions (An Options Pricing Approach)

Werner Rosenberger – Risk Adjusted Lending Conditions (An Options Pricing Approach) In order to operate their lending business profitably, banks must know all the costs involved in granting loans. In particular, all the expenses they incur...

Joseph G. Nicholas – Hedge Fund of Funds Investing An Investor’s Guide

Hedge funds have rightly gained the attention of private and institutional investors in recent years, proving themselves as useful portfolio diversifiers and preservers of wealth while greatly dispelling their reputation as an “unsafe” investment. Yet investors...

Micro Trends – MicroTrends Scalper

Micro Trends – MicroTrends Scalper MicroTrends is a leading NinjaTrader partner & NinjaScript Certified Consultant Specialists for NinjaTrader Indicators, Strategies & quantative development services Providing Forex, Futures & Equities traders with professional trading tools & trade...

EminiAcademy – Emini Academy Indicators Pack 4.0.2

InstallStart Ninjatrader and apply the indicator to a chartNinjatrader will complain that you do not have a valid license. Write down or copy the machine code that it gives.Close NinjatraderInstall Internet Information Server (IIS) if you...

Financial Algorithms – TPO and Volume Profile Chart (Dec 2010)

Financial Algorithms – TPO and Volume Profile Chart (Dec 2010) Provides a complete TPO (AKA MarketProfile) and Volume chart solution that is integrates fully with NinjaTrader Chart Trader, other indicators and chart drawing tools. Install Package...

RightLineTrading – Right Line Trading IndicatorSuite (May 2014)

We look upon the price movement of a given financial instrument as the end result of multiple independent variables. It is our job, as software developers to define these independent variables and then individually optimize each...

Walter Bressert – Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Trading (Audio, WorkBook)

Walter Bressert – Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Trading (Audio, WorkBook) About the Author Walter Bressert has been using market cycles to trade stocks and commodities since the 1970s when his HAL Commodity Cycles was...

StackTrade Indicators $3500 (

StackTrade Indicators $3500 ( 1. Install Stacktrade Indicators by copying StackTrade.dll to the following location: C:\Documents and Settings\....\My Documents\NinjaTrader 6.5\bin\Custom\ 2. Start Ninjatrader and apply one of the Stacktrade indicators to a chart 3. Ninjatrader will...

Adrienne Toghraie – Trading on Target

Adrienne Toghraie – Trading on Target Size 21.8 MB ISBN: 978-1-118-06491-7 239 pages A leading trainer of traders explains the process and pitfalls to trading success While advances in trading tools and technology have increased the...

Alan Hull – Active Investing

Alan Hull – Active Investing Alan Hull has been investing in blue-chip shares for decades and is one of Australia’s most respected share market experts. He has appeared on Sky Business Channel and is a popular...

Mike Albright – Chart Analysis Boot Camp Course Webinar

The Course contains 12 Modules or over 12 hours tutorial.It’s suitable for a beginner to intermediate trader.The video is playable on your computerMike AlbrightSVP Global Human Resources at Jarden Consumer Solutions Boca Raton, FloridaConsumer Goods Current...

TradeMarkets – DynamicMax Indicators

Install DynamicMax (DMax) by running DMax_Setup.exeStart Ninjatrader and apply the indicator to a chartNinjatrader will complain that you do not have a valid license. Write down or copy the machine code that it gives.Close NinjatraderInstall Internet...

StackTrade – StackTrade Indicators Package (Dec. 2009)

StackTrade – StackTrade Indicators Package (Dec. 2009) StackTrade for NinjaTrader 1. Install Stacktrade Indicators by copying StackTrade.dll to the following location: C:\Documents and Settings\....\My Documents\NinjaTrader 6.5\bin\Custom\ 2. Start Ninjatrader and apply one of the Stacktrade indicators...

Financial Algorithms – Fin-Alg Indicators Pack 1

Financial Algorithms – Fin-Alg Indicators Pack 1 Financial Algorithms provide advance programming services for hedge funds and retail traders. Final employees have many years of programming experience and understand the high demands of the trading industry....

Richard Ferri – Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad

Richard Ferri – Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad This title offers techniques for individual investors to safeguard their money, even when markets fall back. When attempting to “time” their way around market downturns,...

vipertradingsystems – ViperSCA

Viper Trading Systems is a trading system development and educational services organization dedicated to providing active traders the tools and training necessary to compete in today’s fast-paced Futures and Forex markets. Instruction: Install ViperSCA (Simple copy...