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- Six Figure Filmmaker

You Too Can Have A Six Figure Production Company And Make Minimum $10k Per Project If You Follow This Proven Step-By-Step System.

Six Figure Filmmaker is a personalized coaching program designed to help you scale your video business in the next 12 months, and make at least $10k on every project you do, even if you don’t have the best camera or if there are no good clients in your area. 

Here's what's interesting... 

The ones who succeed all have three things in common. 
And ironically enough, they’re the three “main” pillars of the Six Figure Framework. 

FIRST: They are masters of "delivery". 

"Delivery" is more than just being able to make a good video. 
Because there are millions of videographers out there that can make a good video. You're competing with the masses. 
REAL delivery is creating work that is beautiful, cinematic, AND gets the client a tangible result. It's also creating an amazing experience for the client from beginning to end.  
When you do this right, your clients won't be able to STOP talking about you. 
You'll have referrals flying in the door, more than you can handle. 
But as awesome as that is, believe it or not, that's the least important piece. 
There's more... 

SECOND: They have the right "message". 

Now you may be wondering, “what’s a message?” 
The “message” is what makes you unique. It’s specifically what makes you different from your competitors. It's the story you tell about your services that makes people interested in working with you. 
And not having a compelling message is what makes most videographers end up fighting for clients and work that’s left at the bottom of the barrel.  
If you've ever had a competitor steal a client from you, even though you thought your videos looked better, this is why. 
It’s exactly why I struggled for so long to make more than a couple hundred bucks for each project. Outside of “making videos,” I hadn’t taken the time to really figure out what I was offering my clients.  
And until I did, my bank account showed it.  
In contrast, once I did, I’ve been able to get new clients in ways I’ve never dreamed possible. Most of them now come find ME, instead of me having to constantly cold call or email them. 
And they're more than happy to pay high prices to work with me. 

THIRD: They know how to get "attention".

If you can't get people looking at your work or your business, you don't exist. 
The most successful filmmakers build automated systems to get "attention". 
Now you’re probably wondering what I mean by “systems,” which is a great question! 
It has to do with following an easy and repeatable way to find new clients, and then getting them to hire you.  
So rather than you going to "networking events" and hoping that you meet someone that's interested, you get new leads all day long on autopilot. 
It's a system that works in the background, whether you’re at work or not. 

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