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Benjamin Anderson & HeartBeast – Make an Action RPG in GameMaker Studio 2

Have you ever imagined making your own Zelda-like game? The old 2D zelda games were good for their time but game design has come a long way since then. Maybe you've thought about ways to improve upon the original formula?

The problem is programming

At some point we all realize that in order to make games we have to learn to program, at least to some degree. I've seen even the most experience programmers ready to throw their computers into the street because they had a typo in a variable.

When I started learning GameMaker I want through a rough patch at first. I'm an artist not a programmer, so learning to code took me many frustratingly long hours. As I was learning, I thought to myself that it didn't have to be this difficult.

I'm here to tell you that programming your own games doesn't have to be so hard. It is work, but with the right guidance and support, you can learn quickly!

I designed this course to give you that guidance and support.

The videos you watch will strengthen your programming skills. By the end of this course, you will be ready add your own features to the game created in it.

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